JT and Channel islands join IEEE global cloud computing lab

JT and Channel islands join IEEE global cloud computing lab

JT has been asked to become a founding member of the IEEE Intercloud Testbed Project which is developing technical standards for Cloud computing. JT, based in the Channel Islands, 100 miles off the south coast of England, will form part of a global lab alongside AT & T and the Orange Group, France Telecom SA to find a solution allowing the fast developing cloud system to federate and interoperate.

At present cloud systems are unable to inter-operate, which will have far reaching consequences in the future. The IEEE (Institute of Electrical Engineers) Intercloud Testbed Project is aiming to provide a solution to this problem. It will create technical standards for inter-operability and allow the ‘Intercloud’ to become a commercial reality.

The ‘Cloud of clouds’ will mostly operationalize on members’ equipment and networks, but a reference Intercloud Root and Exchange is being set up in Telx Santa Clara allowing carrier neutral, rich connectivity, and JT will set-up a similar base in the Channel Islands.

The IEEE Cloud Computing Initiative represents the first, broad-based collaborative exercise for cloud computing offered by a global technical professional organisation.

Tim Ringsdore, Chief Relationship Officer at JT, is delighted the company has been asked to become a founding member, ‘This is a major achievement for JT and recognition of how far we have come in being recognized as a global telecoms innovator. It is also coup for the Channel Islands and for our JT Lab initiative and supporting Digital Jersey, who are and independent organisation that represents and promotes Jersey’s digital industries. This proves we are perfectly placed to be able to partner organizations and companies who wish to develop and test innovative products and services within Europe, but outside of the EU, as well as the rest of the world. The IEEE is a world renowned organisation that works to advance technology, which is why we are very proud to be working with them so firmly pacing JT at the forefront of the next internet revolution.’

The IEEE Cloud Computing Initiative will make the results of the research available to anyone. Its aim is to help advance the understanding and use of cloud computing, which is expected to have a significant impact on our information and communications ecosystem. It is also predicted to create 14 million new jobs worldwide.

About the IEEE

The IEEE (The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) is the world’s largest technical professional association. It was established in 1884 to originally support individuals in the electrical profession, and early members included Thomas Edison and Alexander Graham Bell. It is dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity and has over 425,000 members in more than 160 countries.
