FAQs – updates APR21


How you receive and pay bills

How you receive your bill

Many of you have already recently opted to receive your bill by PDF; saving you time, whilst helping the environment. From 28th April 2017 we will be introducing a £1.25 charge for customers who still wish to receive a paper bill. To continue to receive your bill for FREE, we recommend you opt in to receive your bill via email. You can do this by simply emailing us via the link below, including-
  • The full name on your account/s
  • Business account number/s
  • Contact Name and telephone
  • The email address you would like us to send your bill to.
Click here to opt in

How you pay your bill

Direct Debit is now widely recognised as the most efficient method of bill payment. From 28th April 2017 we will be introducing a £1.25 charge for businesses who pay by by non-Direct Debit methods, such as BACS or cheque. This is largely due to the level of efficiency this method offers as well as the increasing administration and resource costs associated with BACS and cheque payments.

Paying by Direct Debit is simple to set up and will save your business time and resource. If you wish to start paying your business bills by Direct Debit, simply download, fill out* and return the form below by Tuesday 25th April 2017. Alternatively, you can scan and email it to bacsdirectdebits@jtglobal.com. *Customers will multiple accounts will need to complete a form per account.

Download JT Direct Debit Form – Jersey

Download JT Direct Debit Form – Guernsey

If you have any questions, please contact; Business Accounts – For customers with business products, please contact your Account Manager or our dedicated business support team on 882345. Home Products – For business customers with home products only, please contact our team on 882882.


Billing Issues

What does balance brought forward mean?

The balance brought forward is the amount outstanding from the previous bill(s). Usually this figure is zero, although sometimes, due to payment being received after the bill date or part payment of a previous account, a balance may appear e.g. If you are late paying your current bill then your bill for next month may have a “balance brought forward” as it may already be printed or in the post.

I can't pay my bill this month

If you think you won’t be able to pay your bill this month, please contact our Credit Department on 882702 to discuss alternative payment arrangements.

I want an itemised bill

If you recieve a paper bill and would like a full itemisation each month there is a charge of £3.00. If you have paperless billing and manage your bill online, you can view a full itemisation each month completely FREE of charge.

I want one, single bill

Did you know, you can choose to have a combined bill for your mobile and fixed line? This not only means you have all your phone bill account information at hand at the same time but it also saves on paper resources to help the environment – it’s called converged billing. Just call us on 882882 or email accountscustomer@jtglobal.com to discuss any of the above information or request any of the above services we offer on your phone bill.

I'm away from the island and wont be back to pay my bill

If you know that you will be out of the Island for a long period of time please contact our Credit Department on 882702 and we’ll be pleased to advise how you can make arrangements to cover your forthcoming bills.

When will I receive my next bill?

Most of our customers receive a monthly bill, though some older accounts are billed quarterly. Bills are dated 28th of the month. You should receive your bill within 14 days of the bill date. We do allow approximately 21 days from the date of postage before we chase payment. All bills will receive a reminder, upon receipt of which payment must be made within 7 days to avoid loss of service.

I haven't received my bill this month

If you have not received your bill please contact us. It may be that your billing address is incorrect after moving, or you have mislaid the bill – whatever the reason we can arrange for a copy of the bill to be sent to you. There is a charge of £5 per copy bill.

Bills Explained

Terms and abbreviations used on your bill

Service charges This is your monthly line rental, the charge for this will depend on which tariff you have chosen. If you would like to change your tariff please contact us.
  • Usage charges This is a total for the amount of usage (calls, text, data etc.) you have used in the billed month.
  • Pro Rata If you have changed your tariff, just been connected or just disconnected, then we will bill you for a pro-rated amount of your tariff.
  • One off charges You could have a one off charge for a number of reasons, this could be for admin, connection, disconnection or a change of number.
CR = Credit DR = Debit

I haven't made that many roamed calls

When you are roaming abroad, any text messages you send will appear on your bill as roamed calls. These text messages will appear on your itemisation as calls to 07797704000. Is this the reason why your bill shows more roamed calls than you remember making? If not please contact our Billing Department on 882882.

Why does 07797704000 keep appearing on my bill?

07797704000 is our SMS message centre number, this is a phone number that acts as a gateway for transferring SMS messages between mobile devices. When you send a text message it is sent to our message centre which forwards it on to your intended recipient which is why this number appears on your bill. One text message is 160 characters; if you go over 160 characters you are actually sending multiple text messages. If your bill shows you having called 07797704000 several times within a few seconds this is because you have used over 160 characters.

Why does my bill show equipment at my old address?

If you’ve moved, any rented equipment you’ve taken with you will be listed under your old address. Simply contact us on 882882 and we can move the equipment on our records. Or, if you no longer require the rented equipment you can return it to our Retail Outlet at 18 Queen Street and it will be taken off your account (subject to any applicable minimum term rental charges).

I've moved, why does my bill show charges at my old address?

Your bill will show charges at an address that was current at any time during the last bill period. In this way, call charges for your old address will appear on your bill up to the date that the line was moved or disconnected.

Why don't the rental charges on my new line match the listed tariffs?

Rental charges for lines or equipment are billed monthly or quarterly in advance. For example, if you receive a bill for 28th February it will show rental charges for the next month, up to 28th March. However, if a new line is fitted or you change the tariff your phone line is on, the rental charges will be calculated depending on the number of days to the next month or quarter end date. For example, if your new line was fitted on the 15th August and your next bill is dated 28th August you will be charged for 14 days rental. Similarly, if you change your phone line tariff you will be billed at the old rate from the date of the previous bill up to the date the tariff was changed, and then for the new tariff up to the next bill date. It may also be that you’ve asked for your line or equipment rental to stop before any applicable minimum rental term has expired, in which case the full term charges will be charged to you.

Bill Payments

How / Where can I pay my bill?

You can pay your bill by one of the following methods:

Monthly variable Direct Debit
The easy way to settle your bill; let us do the work for you.

Download a Direct Debit form:
Download JT Direct Debit Form – Jersey
Download JT Direct Debit Form – Guernsey

Monthly variable Credit Card payment

Download a Credit Card payment form:
Download JT Credit Card Payment Form – Jersey
Download JT Credit Card Payment Form – Guernsey

Over the phone by credit or debit card
Call 882882. Available 24 hours a day. Please have your card to hand along with your JT account number.

Over the counter at Broad Street Post Office
Cash, cheque, credit or debit card.


Late payment process

Please note that from January 2019, a Late Payment Fee will be incurred for any late payments. For Business Services,  a Late Payment Fee for any Charges due that have not been settled within 30 (thirty) days from the date of the invoice shall be as follows:
  1. £20 for Customers who are billed up to and including £20,000 per annum for any Charges due that have not been settled within 30 (thirty) days from the date of the invoice;
  2. 3% of the outstanding Charges on the invoice to which the Late Payment Fee relates for Customers who are billed in excess of £20,000 per annum for any Charges due that have not been settled within 60 (sixty) days from the date of the invoice; or
  3. In accordance with any Master Services Agreement in place.
For more details on the Late Payment Fee please refer to the Late Payment Fee Schedule which can be found here The best way to avoid this charge is to sign up for Direct Debit. More information on this can be found in the ‘How you pay your bill’ section above. Should you have any queries in relation to this or have concerns about your payments, please email our Credit Control team at BusinessCreditControlInbox@jtglobal.com or contact us on 01534 / 01481 882702 and they will be happy to help you.

JT Billing Manager

JT Billing Manager Upgrade

We will soon be upgrading our JT Billing Manager platform.
The upgrade is scheduled to take place Friday 24th April, commencing at 6pm, completing on Monday 27th April at 9am.
During this time period, there will be no access available to the JT Billing Manager platform.
You can find a list of all the new benefits which will soon be available to you at this link.
If you would like to ask us anything at all about these changes please get in touch through email at We also have a list of FAQs that may help with any queries you may have at this link.


Residential Services

If your business has residential services and you need help using your services or managing your account, please fill out this form and a member of our Residential Support team will get in touch as quickly as possible